Perkin-Elmer PinAAcle 900Z AAS


  • Only 6 years old with full documentation and PC Software
  • With built-in fully PC-controlled Transversely Heated Graphite Atomizer (THGA)
  • Also has an integrated Zeeman 0.8 Tesla electromagnet
  • Cooling recirculating unit for the THGA furnace
  • Auto-sampler is included
  • 28 new THGA graphite sample atomization tubes ($10,000)
  • 2x Perkin Elmer electrode-less discharge lamps (@ $1000 each)
  • 20 Perkin Elmer Hollow Cathode lamps (around $800 each)

       HC lamps;

    Hg(2), Cd(5), Cu(2), Zn(2), Fe(2), Pb, Al, Au, P, W, Mo,  Al-Cu-Fe-Ti.